Prelude to Foundation

, #6

Mass Market Paperback, 493 pages

English language

Published March 1, 1989 by Spectra.

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5 stars (2 reviews)

It is the year 12,020 G.E. and Emperor Cleon I sits uneasily on the Imperial throne of Trantor. Here in the great multidomed capital of the Galactic Empire, forty billion people have created a civilization of unimaginable technological and cultural complexity. Yet Cleon knows there are those who would see him fall—those whom he would destroy if only he could read the future.

Hari Seldon has come to Trantor to deliver his paper on psychohistory, his remarkable theory of prediction. Little does the young Outworld mathematician know that he has already sealed his fate and the fate of humanity. For Hari possesses the prophetic power that makes him the most wanted man in the Empire. . .the man who holds the key to the future—an apocalyptic power to be known forever after as the Foundation.

32 editions

Hari Seldonen psikohistoriaren lehen pausoak

5 stars

Isaac Asimovek jatorrizko Fundazioa trilogia idatzi zuenetik hiru hamarkada igaro ondoren seriea osatzeko beste lau liburu argitaratu zituen. Prelude to foundationen Hari Seldonen, psikohistoriaren sortzailearen, lehen pausoak azaltzen ditu.

Bere horretan entretenigarria izan badaiteke ere, Asimoven gainerako idazlanak ezagutzeak gozatzen laguntzen du.

Hari Seldonen eta Dors Venabiliren ibilbidea jarraituz, Inperioko buru den Trantor planetako kulturak, eta beraien arazoak agertzen dira liburuan: emakumeen bazterketa, klase sozialen arteko diferentziak eta arrazismoa...

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  • Science Fiction - Series
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