Review of 'Ready Player One' on 'Storygraph'
3 stars
On rereading this I found a lot less satisfaction. Its a cute adventure.
German language
Published by FISCHER TOR.
Im Jahr 2045 ist die Welt ein hässlicher Ort: Die Erdölvorräte sind aufgebraucht, ein Großteil der Bevölkerung lebt in Armut. Einziger Lichtblick ist die OASIS, eine virtuelle Ersatzwelt, in der man leben, arbeiten, zur Schule gehen und spielen kann. Die OASIS ist ein ganzes Universum, es gibt Tausende von Welten, von denen jede ebenso einzigartig wie phantasievoll ist. Und sie hat ein Geheimnis.
Der exzentrische Schöpfer der OASIS hat tief im virtuellen Code einen Schatz vergraben, und wer ihn findet, wird seinen gesamten Besitz erben – zweihundertvierzig Milliarden Dollar. Eine Reihe von Rätseln weist den Weg, doch der Haken ist: Niemand weiß, wo die Fährte beginnt. Bis Wade Watts, ein ganz normaler Junge, der am Stadtrand von Oklahoma City in einem Wohnwagen lebt, den ersten wirklich brauchbaren Hinweis findet. Die Jagd ist eröffnet ...
On rereading this I found a lot less satisfaction. Its a cute adventure.
A great story regarding a late teen engaging in a video game quest with real-world impact. Set in a dystopian future, the tale gives you a blend of a virtual world learing to positive and meaningful real-life changes.
The story is told with enthusiasm and gives you a great insight into a late teen learning there is more to life than a virtual world. It also teaches you persistance, may lead to mindblowing results.
Even though I didn't much like it, I did actually finish it, which is worth an extra star.
//read in 2012
An enjoyable and quick read. Nostalgia is bound together by a fairly predictable plot line. I wanted to go back and create a playlist of all the music mentioned, but I borrowed the book from a co-worker and needed to return it.
A great nostalgic romp through the past, the present and, perhaps a not too distant future. It points out what's wrong with our global culture today in a way that brings back the hope we had growing up in the 70's and 80's. It reinvigorates a faith in the goodness of humanity in spite of our current mistakes and failings. And it points out the absolute value of charity towards one another. And it shows how we know all this; we learned it all growing up but forgot it being part of the rat race or being run over by it.
It's full of Easter eggs from pop culture and the best ones are those he brings up without pointing them out, leaving the reader to notice them.
For anyone who is nostalgic about the late 70's and 80's and the tabletop role-playing game that spawned many others and computer …
A great nostalgic romp through the past, the present and, perhaps a not too distant future. It points out what's wrong with our global culture today in a way that brings back the hope we had growing up in the 70's and 80's. It reinvigorates a faith in the goodness of humanity in spite of our current mistakes and failings. And it points out the absolute value of charity towards one another. And it shows how we know all this; we learned it all growing up but forgot it being part of the rat race or being run over by it.
It's full of Easter eggs from pop culture and the best ones are those he brings up without pointing them out, leaving the reader to notice them.
For anyone who is nostalgic about the late 70's and 80's and the tabletop role-playing game that spawned many others and computer games and movies to follow, you'll see just how deeply Dungeons and Dragons has shaped our culture.