
322 pages

Published July 13, 2015 by Bompiani.

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3 stars (1 review)

Un milione di anni fa, nel 1986, nel mezzo di una spaventosa crisi economica, i fortunati viaggiatori di una crociera di lusso naufragano sulle isole Galapagos, dove devono adattarsi a una nuova vita da primitivi. Quando un virus stermina l'umanità, il manipolo di strampalati naufraghi d'alto bordo si ritrova a essere l'unica speranza per la sopravvivenza dell'uomo sulla terra, scoprendo che il suo vero problema è avere un cervello troppo grande: l'uomo, semplicemente, pensa troppo.

12 editions

Good idea but doesn't really go anywhere

3 stars

Though I guess that's what you could say about humanity as a whole, right?

Anyway, this is a story about how the next million years of humanity begin with a shipwreck on one of the Galapagos islands, leading to the few people surviving it becoming the ancestors of the next stages of humanity, all narrated by a ghost. But of course, being Vonnegut, it's not really about that, it's about evolution and the dead end of thinking our "big brains" will solve everything for us. There's some good lines and some interesting thoughts in there - this is Vonnegut, after all - but it's slight and unfocused, unsure of what to focus its attention on.