
See tagged statuses in the local Bolhaverso community

I've translated the following folk tales from this #folklore collection:

"Walrider - A Victim's Tale") "A Captured Walrider") "Walriders as Cats"): www.patreon.com/posts/ride-of-walrider-29623407

"The Unfortunate Walrider") "The Third Daughter Is Out"): www.patreon.com/posts/ride-of-walrider-29623508

"A Walrider in Barßel") "The Walriders near Hooksiel"): www.patreon.com/posts/ride-of-walrider-31277726

"The Walrider's Gifts") "The Walrider's Ransom") "The Walrider's Scissors") "The Walrider on the Pasture"): www.patreon.com/posts/ride-of-walrider-31281991

"The Walrider Helmsman") "Riding the Walrider"): www.patreon.com/posts/ride-of-walrider-33109119

"The Walrider and the Comb") "The Walrider Rides Away"): www.patreon.com/posts/ride-of-walrider-33109392

"The Walrider Visits for Lunch") "The Grappled Walrider") "The Walrider Flees") "Cutting a Walrider's Throat"): www.patreon.com/posts/ride-of-walrider-34265483

"The Ridimär on a Ship") "Called Home by the Bells") "The Walrider Housekeeper"): www.patreon.com/posts/ride-of-walrider-34265991

"The Walrider as a Captured Bride (Rastede)") "The Walrider as a Captured Bride (Rostrup)") "Saterland Superstitions about Walriders"): www.patreon.com/posts/ride-of-walrider-34288496

"The Devil and the …

commented on Sagen, Märchen und Lieder der herzogthümer Schleswig, Holstein und Lauenburg by K. Müllenhoff (Nineteenth Century Collections Online: European Literature, the Corvey Collection, 1790-1840)

I've translated the following folk tales from this #folklore collection:

"The Uglei" ("Der Uglei"): www.patreon.com/posts/ghost-stories-of-31962669

"The Devil and the Bride" ("Der Teufel und die Braut"): www.patreon.com/posts/devil-abducts-58964047

"The Accursed Fiddler" ("Der verwünschte Geiger"): www.patreon.com/posts/in-body-or-soul-79502588

"Doctor Faust and the Nitz" ("Dr. Faust und Nitz"): www.patreon.com/posts/warlock-supreme-47115927

"The Ghost Ship (Pellworm)" ("Das Geisterschiff") "The Man of Dikjendäl Valley" ("Der Dikjendälmann") "The Coast Warden" ("Der Strandvogt"): www.patreon.com/posts/terror-of-sea-50181475

"The Monk on Helgoland Island" ("Der Mönch auf Helgoland"): www.patreon.com/posts/ghosts-of-53102794

"A Woman Marries a Dwarf" ("Ein Mädchen heiratet einen Zwerg"): www.patreon.com/posts/loving-fey-48629117

"The Freischütz (of Glücksburg)" ("Der Freischütz") "The Freischütz (from Marne)" ("Der Freischütz"): www.patreon.com/posts/infernal-36053596

"In the Twelve Nights of Christmas" ("In den Zwölften"): www.patreon.com/posts/devils-works-39490270

"The Accursed Fiddler" ("Der verwünschte Geiger"): www.patreon.com/posts/in-body-or-soul-79502588

Ludwig Bechstein: Der sagenschatz des Frankenlandes. (German language, 1842, Voigt und Mocker) No rating

I've translated the following folk tales from this #folklore collection:

"The Heavily Loaded Men" ("Die Schwerbeladenen"): www.patreon.com/posts/ghost-stories-28385253

"Of the Old Franconian Idol Lollus" ("Von dem altfränkischen Götzen Lollus"): www.patreon.com/posts/with-old-gods-59551116

"The Rider without a Head (Lengfeld)" ("Reiter ohne Kopf"): www.patreon.com/posts/headless-41100420

"The Spirit Appears as the Wife" ("Das Gespenst als Eheweib"): www.patreon.com/posts/double-trouble-36272352

"The Wells near Schweinfurt" ("Brunnen um Schweinfurt"): www.patreon.com/posts/sacred-waters-35945562

Adalbert Kuhn: Norddeutsche Sagen, Märchen und Gebräuche aus Meklenburg, Pommern, der Mark, Sachsen, Thüringen, Braunschweig, Hannover, Oldenburg und Westfalen (1848, F.A. Brockhaus) No rating

I've translated the following folk tales from this #folklore collection:

"The Böxenwulf" ("Der Böxenwulf"): www.patreon.com/posts/what-big-teeth-31962001

"A Child Weighs Heavier than the Devil" ("Ein Kind wiegt schwerer als der Teufel"): www.patreon.com/posts/selling-your-to-60683134

"The Devil as a Girl" ("Teufel als Mädchen"): www.patreon.com/posts/devil-punishes-39505609

"The Devil’s Mine in Rammelsberg Mountain" ("Teufelsbergwerk im Rammelsberg"): www.patreon.com/posts/devils-utensils-66975017

"The Wild Huntsman Hunts a Woman" ("Der wilde Jäger jagt eine Frau"): www.patreon.com/posts/wild-huntsman-44393109

"The Rider on the Pale Horse" ("Reiter auf dem Schimmel"): www.patreon.com/posts/headless-41100420

"The Captured Will-o’-Wisp" ("Irrwisch gefangen") "Will-o’-Wisps get a Tip" ("Irrlichter bekommen Trinkgeld") "A Will-o’-Wisp with Long Legs" ("Irrlichter mit langen Beinen") "Will-o’-Wisps Banished by Swearing" ("Irrlichter durch Fluch gebannt"): www.patreon.com/posts/errant-lights-36267709

"The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses" ("Das sechste und siebente Buch Mosis"): www.patreon.com/posts/tomes-of-magic-47102573

"The Heckethaler (Swinemünde)" ("Der Heckethaler"): www.patreon.com/posts/in-for-penny-92175651

commented on Volksmärchen aus Pommern und Rügen. by Ulrich Jahn (Volkskundliche Quellen)

I've translated the following folk tale from this #folklore collection:

"How The Cobbler Escaped Destitution" ("Wie der Schuster aus seinen Nöten kam"): www.patreon.com/posts/devil-grants-61241872

"The Devil as Colorful Ribbon" ("Der Teufel als buntes Band"): www.patreon.com/posts/possessed-71514002

"Hackelberg’s Dogs Tear a Woman Apart" ("Hackelbergs Hunde zerreißen eine Frau"): www.patreon.com/posts/wild-huntsman-44393109

"The Nineslayer" ("Der Neuntöter") "The Unhîr or Unhuer" ("Das Unhîr oder Unhuer") "The Unhîr in Trzebiatkow" ("Das Unhîr in Trzebiatkow"): www.patreon.com/posts/murderous-dead-82182322

"The After-Feeder in Katschow" ("Der Nachzehrer in Katschow") "Corpse Tears a Dog Apart" ("Leiche zerreißt einen Hund"): www.patreon.com/posts/return-of-dead-83832817

"Princess Swanwithe" ("Prinzessin Swanwithe"): www.patreon.com/posts/princess-43486695

"The Realm of the Subterraneans" ("Das Reich der Unterirdischen") "A Girl Ventures into the Realm of the Subterraneans" ("Mädchen geht in das Reich der Unterirdischen"): www.patreon.com/posts/realms-of-41887022

"The Switched Life Light" ("Lebenslicht vertauscht"): www.patreon.com/posts/places-over-41855571

I've translated the following folk tales from this #folklore collection:

"Claus Störtebeck and Michel Gädeke" ("Claus Störtebeck und Michel Gädeke"): www.patreon.com/posts/scourge-of-seas-29405870

"The Two Lindwurms near Lassan and in the Peenemünde Heath" ("Die beiden Lindwürmer"): www.patreon.com/posts/lives-of-67979248

"The Headless Man near Münsterhof and the Farmer" ("Der kopflose Mann bei Münsterhof und der Bauer") "The Headless Man and the Gooseherd" ("Der kopflose Mann und der Gänsehirt") "A Farmer’s Fight Against the Headless Man" ("Kampf eines Bauern mit dem kopflosen Mann"): www.patreon.com/posts/headless-50176377

"The Vampyrs in Kashubia" ("Die Vampyre in Kassuben"): www.patreon.com/posts/vampyr-87422650

"The Corpse Lake" ("Der Leichensee"): www.patreon.com/posts/plumbing-deep-28953322

"Vineta" ("Wineta"): www.patreon.com/posts/that-sinking-of-27886163

"Hiddensee Island" ("Die Insel Hiddensee"): www.patreon.com/posts/crouching-woman-31272277

Friedrich Köster: Alterthümer, Geschichten und Sagen der Herzogthümer Bremen und Verden (1856, A. Pockwitz) No rating

Eine Sammlung von Sagen aus der Gegend von Bremen und Verden.

A collection of folk …